

Your Voice Is Your Vote, Make It Count. As a nation, we are facing a crisis of identity marked by dovishness permeated with inflammatory free speech.

Dissent and disagreement are key to our democracy, there are part of the American way of life. It creates the opportunity to verbalize and present opposing views. That is acceptable and part of being in a democracy.

What is not acceptable is to shield our speech and disagreement with violent utterances and call to action for divines and hatred. That is not acceptable, despite the historical references we can draw on American history of discrimination and inequality.

The time has come for every citizen to understand that we are not a monolithic nation and that our democracy is not perfect. It is up to us to hold public administrations and those who are custodians of our system of government accountable.

Our voices are heard individually and collectively through the civic duty of Voting. I challenge you to initiate voters registration drives to motivate and get the vote out.

Our vote as a voting bloc, of whatever community you belong is important. The time has come to take stock in our respective communities and how all forms of public administration have represented and taken care of our basic needs in our new post Covid era.

Your voice is your vote. Register, exercise it and claim it. Take a moment, and look at your district needs, How does your community fair in the region? How are the economic issues being addressed? Educational issues, environmental concerns?

Your voice is your vote. Exercise It, Speak Up. Dare to Vote. Dare to Stand Up and Hold Up the Mirror.

This is a call to action! It is time to say No More! No Mas! We are not to be taken for granted. We are a force to reckon with.

We are not pushovers.

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June 6, 2024/

El mundo esta revuelto. Guerras, conflictos, hambre y desplazamiento de los pueblos son realidades brutales. Todos queremos lo mismo: paz!

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