

Have you ever felt uncomfortable receiving help or a gift from another person? Did you ever have difficulty asking for help?  

Our independent–oriented culture coupled with the prevailing thoughts that we can and should do all and everything by ourselves can result in receiving assistance being viewed as negative. Besides, if we are used to being the giver in our relationships and philanthropy we can find receiving from another ripe with difficult emotions.

Knowing how to ask for assistance is not a weakness, but a sign of strength that empowers us to connect with our fellow humans. Giving would not be possible without a receiver. Opening to help from others teaches the importance of humility as one builds relationships by tapping the wealth of resources in the community around us.

Guidelines on How to receive with Humility:

  1. Reflect on how no one does life alone. To think otherwise is just an illusion. We need each other to maintain our basic needs, including food, shelter, roads, electricity, and more.
  2. Identify what you need help with. Be honest.
  3. Accomplish research for useful social resources and services.
  4. Write down a list of up to three people or organizations, whom you trust and have the skills and expertise to assist you, give sound advice, and can locate other resources.
  5. Contact all your resources.
  6. Be direct and to the point with what you need. Do not apologize for asking for help. We all need help from time to time.
  7. 7.Express gratitude and appreciation for any help you receive.

These steps will not only get you the help you need but will instill the optimism that is the by-product of solving problems and getting help when you have hit a brick wall, or when you could use a fresh perspective or guidance. Remember that no one walks alone, and we all need help as we traverse this journey. To receive is helping the giver too!

Giving and receiving is a symbiotic relationship!

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