

As we’re coming to the end of the year 2021, I wanted to do a quick year in review.  Insurrection at the Capitol Building, Murder Hornets, COVID-19 Vaccines and the delayed 2020 Olympic Games were just a few of this year’s headlines. With each passing month this year, there seemed to be a new “threat” or top story that was going to be a paradigm shift of sorts.

January: On Three Kings Day, with the incoming inauguration of President Biden, Agent Orange’s cult members stormed the Capitol and thought they would overthrow the government in a desperate act of insurrection. Thankfully, the republic stood, and these traitors are now being held accountable for their actions.

February: With the sad one-year anniversary of COVID-19 making its way to the United States, the country recognized the grim mark of 500,000 deaths due to the pandemic. If only Agent Orange and his administration took the warning signs the year earlier more seriously.

March: COVID-19 Vaccines begin being made available in the US as those at the highest risk groups are given priority. The Biden Administration sets forth some pretty high expectations for the roll out of the vaccine as well as goals they would like to hit by July. Additionally. March 2021 also gave us the world’s largest traffic jam in the Suez Canal where one of the world’s largest container ships ran aground and got stuck for several days, delaying shipments throughout Europe, and causing all kinds of headaches to the world’s economy.

April: Raul Castro, brother of the late Fidel Castro steps down as president of Cuba, bringing an end to the 62-year rule of the Castro brothers on the island.

May: Violence breaks out in Israel and Palestine as their ever-ongoing crisis continues. Israel hits

the Gaza Strip with airstrikes after violent protest  break out due to Israel’s continued push into Palestinian territories and displacing the Palestinian population.

 June: Little known India Walton, self-identified Democratic Socialist wins primary for the mayor’s race in Buffalo, seemingly shocking the country and longtime Mayor and incumbent, Byron Brown.

 July: Food and Medicine shortages force thousands of Cubans to the streets in Anti-Government protests.

The delayed 2020 Olympic Games finally kicked off in Tokyo. Puerto Rico wins its second Gold Medal, its first in Track and Field.

 August: After many months of guest hosts filling in for long-time host Alex Trebek who passed away the year prior, television game show “Jeopardy” announced its new host, Mike Richards. Richards acted as an executive producer on the show. Weeks later of course, Richards is forced to step down as host of Jeopardy due to problematic sexist language he used on podcasts from a few years ago resurfacing.

Also in August, the United States ends the twenty-year war in Afghanistan as it pulls all troops out, creating panic in the war-torn country whose government fell to the Taliban within a few days after the US announcement.

 September: El Salvador becomes the first country in the world to adopt Crypto Currency (Bitcoin) as legal tender. Bitcoin prices soar. COVID-19 Delta variant spreads and causes panic.

October: The Atlanta Braves face the Houston Astros in the 2021 World Series. It is the first World Series the Braves have made since the 1999 season.

November: Byron Brown seemingly holds onto his seat as Mayor of Buffalo, winning as a write-in candidate over Democratic Primary winner India Walton.

 December: Still to be determined.

These were just a few of this year’s headlines that stood out to me. With that said, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and safe and Happy New Year.

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