

In the past two decades, something very peculiar happened. As we have gained access to people, at just about any time we desire, via internet or phone, we have had the pace of our lives quicken very subtly. Now when something happens, we do not wait for the next day to inform people. We tell them immediately. When an emergency or something relatively major occurs, we notify others. I think this reality has intervened with the psychological rhythm of how process and handle problems and quite a few people have been taking advantage of that.

Please allow me to elaborate.  President tweets X statement, that statement hits news immediately with all the other great tragedies occurring around the world. The news naturally is not reporting advancements or good things — after all those do not sell. That makes sense! Why panic about something good? Then, the said news reports it as the world is coming to an end; they need the ratings! The viewers, you and I, instantly think it is a huge issue, while in truth, it has no bearing on anyone. This is clear to anyone who can think, but unfortunately, that is not the case.

This instant and perpetual state of panic makes people who are compelled into watching and hearing more; how can they protect themselves from a threat they do not know? Thus, they watch it, but at the end of the day, the news never mentions what this small thing means in the big picture or in the daily lives of the people. Think of the whole debacle that was created by Donald Trump’s impeachment. The Democrats knew it would never pass without a miracle, it ended up being nothing but a drama, and very little was accomplished if anything. Then again, one can say the same thing about our politicians or elected officials, however, there is a lesson here.

Do we ask the question, what does this ultimately mean? That is the question we must always ask. Not to shirk responsibility but quite the opposite. What is the point in panicking, or even wasting time on something that ultimately does not matter? This can certainly be applied to any aspect of a person’s life. It is of course good to be in the know, but it is important not to be emotionally invested in any of this news. In that way, we will be able to look at things calmly and rationally.

Simply ask the question, does this has any bearing on me? Can I somehow influence it? If not to both of those questions, then why worry, to begin with? Save that energy for things that truly matter.

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September 13, 2022/

EMBRACE STREAMING “Change your perspective and reality changes” — Aristoteles Last month we talked about one of the biggest questions

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