No human is free from trauma. Whether you experience it directly, observe it happening now, or on television; we’ve all greeted trauma in one form or another. As discussed in previous editions on this topic; there remains a lot of variability in how one responds or reacts to such an event. Everyone is most capable of addressing and thus healing trauma from a calm and controlled stance. When in a state of crisis or traumatic memory, we are highly emotional and charged and are at risk of experiencing a blank mind. When this occurs, take your time and practice getting in touch with your breath to relieve your overwhelm. No human is free from trauma.
Whether you experience it directly, observe it happening now, or on television; we’ve all greeted trauma in one form or another. Hope resides in the reality that healing and recovery are possible! As discussed in previous editions on this topic; there remains a lot of variability in how one responds or reacts to such an event. Everyone is most capable of addressing and thus healing trauma from a calm and controlled stance. When in a state of crisis or traumatic memory, we are highly emotional and charged and are at risk of experiencing a blank mind. When this occurs, take your time and practice getting in touch with your breathing to relieve your overwhelm. Focusing on heart-filled thoughts and escapades will lead you to the road of healing.
Without a doubt healing from trauma can cause strong adverse emotions, painful flashbacks, and an array of uncomfortable symptoms. These moments are coaching you to take a break from this endeavor, by taking a walk, meditating, or talking to someone you trust. Perhaps one would benefit from working with a professional mental health counselor. These moments are signals that an alteration in how you should proceed is warranted. Trust that you are in the best position to mark your pace in this work. Note that our thoughts, behavior patterns, and symptoms will be changed with time. Take a break of course but keep returning to heal your soul and life. Keep working with those exercises and strategies that help you in moving through pain and return ’you’ to yourself.
There is a widespread impact of trauma on our bodies, mental health, and ‘our’ brains. Trauma changes lives. Healing begins when we ignite the endeavors to heal. Next edition we will tackle a common symptom of traumatic injury: anxiety.
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