Consider the statement “If God is with us, who can stand against us” or better “if we’re within citizen rights to manifest our community’s future, what’s holding us back?”
Biblically speaking, God told Joshua “Go! Take the land! Every place you step on I give you as inheritance. I will be with you!” So, let’s look at the matter at hand remembering the thought “If you don’t use it – You Lose It”. All around the community there are abandoned buildings and neglected vacant lots. Chances are they are already being designated as part of some future Urban Development Plan that has little to do with an Urban Restoration Plan for residents to benefit from. The path of least resistance would be to test converting a vacant lot into a community garden. What good is that?
Well for sure it would prevent it from becoming another local dump site. It would bring residents together, especially Latinos (and others) with good old farming skills, to plant fruits and vegetables for decor and periodic harvest. It can become a replica, a scenic reminder of our “Campesino/Jibaro Roots.” It can become an outdoor site to hold small periodic cultural presentation/exhibits that can grow into something worth bringing indoors (like an abandoned building). Mind you, there has always been community board funds for such neighborhood beautification projects (e.g., for fencing and building supplies).
Now let’s say that down the road those behind closed doors developers want the lot back. Fine! Let them suggest an alternate site to move to. At best, moved enough times, the local area can be beautified one lot at a time. Imagine that idea being mass produced by different resident groups in different areas throughout the community. Imagine involving summer camp youth and senior citizen centers. WOW! Talk about community restoration IN ACTION!
Forget about opposition! Consider what support can come from local agencies trying to prevent dump sites, politicians seeking voter support, or homeowners seeking to improve their property value. Consider the empowering shot in the arm such a venture would bring to residents feeling helplessly defeated. Consider, after a few mini victories, those very residents getting inspired to say “Hey! What else can we come together and accomplish?”
Can you see the possible potential enough to at least start calling us with interest in such ideas and/or alternative suggestions you may have? You’re not alone!
The Buffalo Latino Village is here for you. We seek not only to inform but to inspire and advocate community pride, unity and most of all, ACTION. So, let’s see what responses you provide for me to consider adding to next month’s article. Come on! This column is about empowering each other. Maybe, if you Speak and I Write, we can come together and make things happen. TEST ME! TEST YOURSELF! And let’s Stir the Pot.
Next – Shaking the Tree.
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