

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them “ — Thomas Jefferson

The current news trends in general are marked by societal division and draw into extremism on all sides, similar to what we have now.

The question is, how do we keep sane and close to the truth as possible in these times?

Today I will reveal the exact way that I have done it by combining the advice of people who have been through these before and applying it to the new age.

The advice is common and most effective at most times. Take your news from both sides, take out the differences and things in common, and filtered by common sense is most likely to be true. Look at the extremes and the sources in the middle. They will all have biases and agendas however since those agendas clash, what is not in common, tends to be false.

The other advice is to look to the newcomers in the media, these tend to be idealistic journalists, the dying bastions of journalistic integrity before they are squashed or acquired by larger outfits. Today we have a way to combine these two in a way that is easier than ever!

That is Youtube, you can always watch individual journalists and content creators on both sides of the spectrum however Youtube being an open platform you might still want to stay away from the very extremes and keep to those who try to uphold some journalistic integrity and reliance on facts even though those facts are usually cherry-picked and distorted, with some experience of watching both sides you will be able to notice the distortion in no time.

With that being said, the ones for the left side I have seen being somewhat entertaining and informative were Contrapoints and Hbomberguy. These essayists tend to research their topic reasonably well and try to back up their point of view with facts. I should however warn you that this being YouTube, you will see more shocking content, mostly from Contrapoints because part of her platform is costumes and acting.

On the right side, we have Black Pigeon Speaks and Sargon Of Akkad. while I may not always agree with their message, you can see they have done their research and are engaging in what mainstream media should have been doing, evidence, and then maybe, their point of view.

Lastly, I would like to mention Caspian Report for relatively Apolitical geopolitical analysis, as a way to balance the aforementioned relatively extreme content creators.

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September 13, 2022/

EMBRACE STREAMING “Change your perspective and reality changes” — Aristoteles Last month we talked about one of the biggest questions

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