Quintana is no stranger to controversy and no stranger to life’s ups and downs, an experience close to our own home. He relates to and feels what we feel on the West Side. He is not an outsider; he is a legitimate West Sider.… He is one of us!
Background: Former City police officer who served in various roles for 24 years ranging from School Resource Officer to serve as Community Police Officer.
In 1994, Robert Quintana became a Nationwide Ambassador for United Way. He appeared in television commercials with Buffalo Bills’ Thurman Thomas and crossed the country to share his story of how his life was impacted by the years of community service. He found himself running for the Niagara District. He was elected and served two full terms devoting himself to better opportunities and a better future for the residents of the West Side. While serving on the Council, Roberto Quintana also served as Chairman of the council committees of Legislation, Crime, and Reorganization. Simultaneously, he served as a member of various other committees.
Why we need to support Quintana: As you can see, he has the track record to do us proud if he is allowed to represent us in Albany as our State Assemblyman. We do not need someone who is going to take direction from the political machine. We need someone who is going to take directions from our community. He has experience governing, effecting positive legislation, and dealing with difficult budgets, and he does not need on-the-job training. Most importantly, he is NOT A YES PERSON. He has the strong character to play by the community’s game, and not by the political machine’s game. Under his leadership, our community will be present at the table, not under the table. He is exactly who we need to represent us.
The West Side is the only Buffalo community that represents true cultural diversity. Help us keep it that way! With Roberto, we can begin to carve out a business and economic development plan to help our businesses and our residents. Vote Quintana: Assemblyman for the 149th District.
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