The endorsed candidate, Jon Rivera, has no direct ties with our Puerto Rican/Latino community. He lives far from our community and has no idea of our daily struggles. His only ties are his father, Niagara District Councilman David Rivera.
On the date of Jon Rivera’s endorsement, there was no, not even one, Puerto Rican or Latino standing by his side, only an all-white cast of political characters. This is a sign of things to come if you elect a Puerto Rican/Latino controlled by the democratic political machine.
On the other hand, it was a breath of fresh air to see Roberto Quintana surrounded by Puerto Ricans/Latinos, and others, as he announced his entry into the race to become the next NYS 149th Assemblyman. The announcement was made right on Niagara Street, which is the heartbeat and soul of the Latino community.
Roberto brings to this race what we need: experience, west side residence, and understanding of the social, economic, and political needs of our people and community.
While Jon Rivera was endorsed by politically controlled Latinos, Roberto Quintana was endorsed by Latinos from all walks of life, including Dr. Raul Vazquez, Alberto O. Cappas, and Raul Hernandez, three people that live or work in the lower west side community. Dr. Raul Vazquez runs the family health facilities on Niagara Street, Raul Hernandez is the owner of the well-known restaurant, “Niagara’s Café”, and Alberto O. Cappas is the publisher of the monthly publication, Buffalo Latino Village, as well as the founder of the Puerto Rican/Latino Committee (PRLC). They are all politically independent individuals and well-known advocates for the Latino community.
You are not going to get that quality of leadership or service from the endorsed candidate.
Quote from Roberto Quintana: “The important thing is that we keep serving our community in these difficult times of crisis. The safety, health, and security of Mi Gente, Mi Pueblo, is the most important priority right now. This is a time where Leaders stand up and Lead! I applaud you, Dr. Vazquez, Cappas, and Pizzaro, and all the volunteers from our community, who quietly and without hesitation, have been on the streets making a difference. Take the time, do your research, talk to people, and make the right decision. It’s your choice, it has a direct impact on the growth and development of our community.”
When the time for election comes, it should not be a difficult choice, cast your vote for Roberto Quintana as your next New York State Assemblyman for the 149th Assembly district.
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