-First published in “Another Voice” column, the Buffalo News, April 16, 2022-
Honest and loyal representation in our community will cost money to sustain, maintain and grow our communities. One of the significant problems we have in our communities is that we don’t invest in our candidates, and we don’t vote. Do you know what happens when we don’t vote or support decent candidates running for office? The interest groups, and people outside our communities, take the advantage and opportunity to invest, donate, contribute, and help them. By the time our candidates get elected to office, they no longer belong to our community. The interlopers that invested in them get the goodies and the right to control them.
The next time your local candidate comes to you for help, do the right thing for your neighborhood and yourself, and your family: Register to vote. This is a must in our democracy. If you don’t vote, you can’t complain. Research your candidate, find out about what your candidate stands for, and look at their experience with the community. Contribute if you like what you find out. Please get the word out to your friends and family to support your candidate and encourage them to donate to help them get elected. If you have the time, get involved directly by working with the committee to get them elected. There is so much you can do for the candidate as a volunteer. With our support, the candidate becomes a community product, not of the outside interest groups.
American politics are severe; the sooner we realize it, the sooner we can grow and advance the future of our city – socially, educationally, and economically. Look at the political principles at play in Buffalo: You must pay to play, and it’s not what you know; it’s who you know.
Register, educate yourself, and learn about who’s who in your neighborhood. Remember, when you say that you’re not interested in politics, that is a political statement. Help, and join those working to bring respect and quality representation to your community. Please do your homework and find out what groups in your community are genuinely looking out for your interest, not for themselves.
Too many people in our communities complain and cry about government service but are not registered, voters. We need to grow and develop; we need to be creative, imaginative, and work to make our young people proud of this city – the “city of good neighbors.”
We are entitled to a voice, but Buffalo communities must carve out that voice, not interlopers.
Help our communities, help yourself – become a registered voter.
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