In preparing to write the first article of 2023, I listened to Bob Marley’s Redemption Song. This song always moves me emotionally. It would be the best way to reflect on my meeting with Tommy Walker, III. I heard Tommy’s story from my friends who work closely with him in Buffalo, NY. Speaking with him about his journey was truly a spiritual & moving experience. This is the first time I’ve actually “interviewed” someone. Everyone that I’ve written about until now I’ve known personally, so writing from the heart was easy.
I explained to Tommy that I would NOT take notes and just embrace the energy & write what spirit moves me to write. So, he can feel free to express as little or as much of his story as he wouldn’t mind me expressing to the Buffalo & Beyond community.
Tommy explained that he had served 25 years of a *3* Life Sentence!! He knew he would get out even though he was serving “Lives!” I asked him about that day when he finally realized he would get out. He KNEW from Day 1! He explained that while serving time for a previous charge, he’d met Pete, who introduced him to the library & helped him get back to the community using Statues, Law – AND Persistence! When Tommy tried to pay him for “copies & postage,” – Pete refused. Adding ONLY that Tommy helps another person if a similar circumstance ever presents. So, the Light of Freedom was alive in him – and he ignited others!

While at USP – Lewisburg, PA, Tommy Walker and other prisoners worked TOGETHER to liberate themselves individually. They refused jobs that would take them out of the facility to stay in the library & study. Also, a form of subtle rebellion against the slave wages paid to the inmates perpetuates the cycle of poverty. The jobs inmates are being sent out for pennies are better suited for those on the other side of the wall. Taking those jobs meant families could not support them on the inside if there were fewer jobs outside. Walker himself would work in the Library & Kitchen. He’d ask that his pay come in the form of better food, books for the library & education. Walker became a Certified Paralegal to do more for the inmates while in prison. He’s carried Pete’s Torch & helped more than 100 people. He founded Second Chances For R.E.A.L (Residential, Entry, Assistance, Liaison) based in Buffalo, NY.
At that moment when he talked about Pete, it was very emotional. Basically, he opened the door to the world of the Library, Freedom, and eventually, Tommy’s Life’s Work & Passion. As a Certified Paralegal and Researcher, he is dedicated to serving others because we are worthy of second chances and true redemption. The current high-profile case he’s working on is the Gerald “Prince” Miller from the Supreme Team (see the trailer here: But whether it’s a high or low-profile case, his effort will be the same! His promise to Pete stands & he won’t ‘let them just throw us away!
If you or a loved one need 2nd Chance For Real, Connect with his team @
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