“The beauty of anti-racism is that you don’t have to pretend to be free of racism to be anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it’s the only way forward.” Ijoema Oluo (Nigerian American writer)
There’s racism in the air we breathe, in our history, legacies, and current reality. Three Black plaintiffs will tell you, not only is there racism in the BPD, but there is denial, preferential treatment, harassment, and neither accountability nor transparency. The three are two police officers – Brandon Hawkins (a BPD officer for 16 years), Katelynn Bolden; and Erica Seymour, mental health professional. They are suing after their experiences on BPD’s Behavioral Health Team.
The suit was brought after months of failure to address issues of racism in the department. Captain Amber Beyer, head of the Behavioral Health Team, went on a rant in front of Officer Bolden and others in early May 2022, saying: black officers need to understand racism; white officers get PTSD working in black communities; black officers are not traumatized “because they usually grow up in those areas” (showing no awareness of historical trauma [also just before the 5/14 Massacre]); black officers cheat on their wives; she’d be suspicious if she saw a black person in her neighborhood; etc.
As she never apologized, nor took remedial action, the officers finally filed an Internal Affairs complaint. In September, after no consequences, the captain read aloud an email, loudly emphasizing the n-word (though she’d been asked to at least say “N-word”).
As the Captain still had no repercussions, the group initiated a suit against the BPD and the city. Cpt. Beyer was finally put on paid leave. The officers went to their union for support but were told they were on their own. The three felt unsafe in the department due to the ignoring of blatant racism and disrespect. Requests for paid leave were denied. They have used their vacation, sick and personal days. Ms. Seymour was fired. Officers Hawkins and Bolden have suffered anxiety and depression, with extreme weight loss, sleeplessness, and migraines.
Racism is alive in our institutions and ourselves, in various ways and varying amounts. The authorities’ actions and inaction attest to its presence. Officers say they’ve never heard or seen anything indicating any training to deal with implicit bias, racism, cultural competency, etc. in the BPD. The problems of racism in policing with guns and impunity are obvious, as is having BPD in charge of mental health calls.
Please call 311 and urge that Officers Bolden and Hawkins be put on paid leave until the Mayor and BPD have taken concrete steps to create a safe working environment for officers of color.
NOTE: Please consider, if you can, donating to the WNY Peace Center’s Whistleblowers Fund (at gofundme.com). Created after Cariol Horne’s firing (her idea), it’s to support police suffering financially for doing the right thing. Help us help them more. Solidaridad!!!
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