I struggled to connect with the intended Community Spotlight. And that’s ok. It’s a busy time of year. I go online to seek inspiration as I do every month. I noticed a constant – not ONLY in my News Feed on FB but in my DM, email & text messages. This constant is Alberto O. Cappas. I had wanted to write about him, especially after discovering his connection to UB’s PODER student organization when I wrote about Brother Kamau (August issue 2022). But as he founded the Buffalo Latino Village, I thought he might reject it. So, if you’re reading this on my Facebook wall and it doesn’t make it to print, you know why.

Alberto O. Cappas is like a Padrino – You know, the one that is not quite an uncle to you – because your uncle is still part of your biological family, so he can say some things – but NOT EVERYTHING. A Godfather is chosen to tell you WHAT IT IS because they’re invested in that TITLE. It requires that they encourage you to live Upright and in Your Purpose. The Purpose inscribed in the deepest part of your being as the Creator was weaving us in our mother’s womb.
I had come to know Alberto from the political scene when I moved to Buffalo, NY. I met him formally at the Contract Compliance Review Committee (2015) to ensure that the former Solar City, now Tesla, did right by the agreed-upon condition of hiring a percentage of people of color. Still not sure if that number has been reached – but that’s for another article. Since meeting him, I have admired how he plants seeds; waters them; checks in when they might not be growing; adds fertilizer; checks again until the plant has taken root and is growing.
I’m an example of this tending too. It’s the reason I started writing this column. Alberto would see my post on FB that were well thought out and maybe controversial. One day he told me I should register for the Latino Village (seed). Then he sent me the FB Page (water) and made me a moderator (fertilizer). In November 2021, he saw me with Aminah Johnson (February 2022) at the Towne Restaurant. He encouraged me to write Aminah’s Story. Now I’ve “taken root.”
I’m sure many others can testify to a similar situation. He has a gift for recognizing talent and passion in individuals. What better way to channel these passions than to write intelligently about them?
Thinking of all he contributes, this is only a concise list compared to what he (actually) contributes. He buys tickets to events and invites us to represent. If he can’t attend an event, he reaches out to us. In this way, he’s making strides in getting us a seat at the table. He strongly advocates for breaking the invisible barriers among the so-called ‘Black & Hispanic Communities.’ He KNOWS if WE combined our Collective Powers, we wouldn’t be collectively suffering to the extent we do at the hands of those in power. Election Year In/Out, he Challenges us to EDUCATE, THINK and VOTE FOR OURSELVES.
I Trust, One Day, we’ll bear witness to Alberto’s vision of the Greatness of a Buffalo that Represents ALL. —— RESPECTFULLY!
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