Oh Noel! I’ll “Not Tell” of; I’ll “Not Dwell” on past spells of discouragement and disappoints.
This is the month for LIGHTING UP our streets and windows to remind each other of the promise for the coming of a new world order: full peace, love, and joy to share hopes and dreams for “MORE”; not just for honoring the Bethlehem manger or ornamenting the Tree for a night and day of treats! This is a month to Dwell and Tell, loud and clear, for all to hear: This is the land that inscribed: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” (Quoted from Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus, which she wrote for a fundraiser auction to raise money for the pedestal upon which the Statue of Liberty still sits.)
It’s Christmas! Christ “Mas” (meaning more). This month is an opportunity to let go the hording fear of not enough time to share, not just stuff that will perish, but “MORE”! Wrapped inside those presents we run all over to find for that special someone is a statement saying, “THIS IS BECAUSE I CARE TO REMEMBER”.
So, as God so loved the world that he freely gave his own begotten son, GIVE! Care about those less fortunate contemplating, “I wish someone would remember – Me Too!
One of those others in the human family of different mothers but same Father.” And, like Latinos that at least use to celebrate Three Kings Day, spread the butter all through the hood. Oh Yea! That was real when I was growing up.
Crusita was a woman who, throughout the year; took advantage of all sales and deals, turned her bedroom into a warehouse, and on Three Kings Day, dressed some of us in wardrobes of kings, shepherds, and angels to go marching throughout, at least her hood, collecting kids waiting to join the line of kids that would end up at her door to receive a gift. Imagine that!
It didn’t matter who got what. What mattered was everyone being pulled together into one family, one community of people from different mothers, but same Father. Imagine adding One Nation to the thought: Especially during these times of seemingly growing famine of all sorts.
OH NOEL! Do come this month for us to gather round to light the social tree of life; to “Do Dwell on,” and “Do Tell of” how better years for all can be brought about with SOMETHING (if you see something say something, and if you have the nerve to say something, have the courage to do something beyond self), deemed ESSENTIAL (to negotiate regardless of compromise and sacrifice) to CO-EXISTENCE (before we fall, fooled by gentrification toward genocide and eventual mass extinction). Oh Noel, do tell us all to dwell on the thought one person, one family, one community, one nation, one planet sharing beyond one day called Christmas. Consider: while Christ/Mas – “MAS meaning MORE”! More than one day! More than an immediate close few! Being Christlike means being chosen, atoned for, and equipped to love!
To always seek Loving God and your neighbor as yourself; Problem Solved!
Continue to read all of my columns: https://2bspoken.blogspot.com
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