My Community Observation
Community Vision: I would love to see “real” Latino educators and leaders in our community. We have too many Kool-Aid educators who graduate from higher education but leave their intelligence behind. We have too many religious groups associated with local politicians. There is too much social decay. I would love to see honesty and integrity in the people that are supposed to lead us into the future. They take us in the wrong direction while they move forward in the “right” direction for themselves.
We need to move toward self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and commitment to business and economic development, and we need to stop relying on social services as we already have an overdose of this political and social drug — we are feeding the body, but we are not feeding the mind.
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December 2024-Revised by the author from his original, composed in 1994-___________________________________ I stand here now,face to face with myself,gazing into

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