On November 3rd we go to the polls to vote in the presidential elections. In this election, there is a good and bad candidate. The latter will destroy the experiment of our democracy and constitution, and attempt to erase some of our biggest achievements as a young democracy.
We are not perfect, but we have demonstrated the will to improve the human spirit. The current president, Donald Trump, has proven to be a different America: one full of hate, racism, violence, and fascism. In this election you have a choice: one to betray the positive spirit, giving us a new political order — with no compassion, no empathy, just like the one occupying the White House; or one that will protect our American democracy and values as reflected in the United States Constitution.
Our Choice: Joe Biden. while not an exceptional individual, has been in public office for over 40 years, and in those 40 years, has not harmed the climate, has not provoked any ill-treatment of American’s democracy and constitution. With Joe Biden, we can go to sleep at night and know that our democracy and constitution will be there when we wake up. You cannot say the same for Donald Trump.
Therefore, please, now is the time to deliver your true American weapon – your VOTE, to help defeat this American nightmare. Send Trump to prison where he belongs, and let the American people take back the people’s house.
Vote JOB BIDEN the next president of the United States of America.
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