

Last month we talked about “what is Indoctrination” and how to detect it as well as some basic methods of de-indoctrinating ourselves. I think it is worth expanding on that topic. I should also mention; that a lot of this information comes from Yuri Bezmenov’s (*) lectures whose conclusions I do not always agree with for the human mind is a lot more complex, and his conclusions apply to extreme cases which are sadly a sizable group. The methods that I will suggest are to help those who have been basing their world views on the ideas created through very intelligent, seemingly benevolent, however, fundamentally malicious purposes.

Mind you, while Bezmenov’s lectures in the 80s were about the communist ideology, the very same methods are being used for both extremes today. The methods being used are more refined, but the way of disarming them remains the same because it is disinformation and reformation of the human mind. However, what has been twisted and broken can be fixed, the human mind is quite resilient like that. If there is a will, there is a way.

Firstly, something that can benefit anyone, is how to protect ourselves against indoctrination. A quick recap of this topic in a way. The best defense is remaining rational. Never invest emotionally into an idea, no matter how right it seems. If you see the evidence against what you thought was true, take that evidence and gather more until you can say, “Yes this fact was incorrect” otherwise just 1 or 2 cases should make you say, yes there are exceptions to the rule. Find out why those exceptions occur; is it due to a fundamental flaw in your view, or is it something rare and bizarre? Even in programming, we often have to resort to exception handlers as such be ready to accept that, that is what it means to be of open-mind and foot firm on the ground. Reality is complex and fundamentally incomprehensible to current the human mind, there will be flaws and some we must accept.

Secondly, ask yourself, Qui Bono? – or for whose benefit? If there is a pattern, be suspicious. Always be skeptical of everything, however, trust axioms and fundamental evidence. The combination of healthy skepticism and methods of finding more for yourself should safeguard you against most methods. For more insidious methods and short hands against misinformation is knowing these tactics that will make you go “that’s a trap”

Now that we have talked about sound barriers to our minds, let’s talk about those whose lives have been impacted, usually negatively, by propaganda and how can we help them. It is very little we can do but always encourage them to look at the facts. A lot of such people are sadly too far gone and just must wake up themselves. In family counseling, the most important lesson I’ve learned was, never try to help those who do not want to be helped. If you try, they will just repel and reject you, best-case scenario, you wasted your time. For those who are still open-minded, remind them that the world is shades of gray and is not black and white.

The things we think are good or evil – are never so.

(*) Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, journalist, known by the alias Tomas David Schuman, was a Soviet journalist for RIA Novosti and a former PGU KGB informant who defected to Canada.

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September 13, 2022/

EMBRACE STREAMING “Change your perspective and reality changes” — Aristoteles Last month we talked about one of the biggest questions

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