Last month I talked about individualism, in as many aspects as I could without writing a 500-page book reiterating myself. It is not that this is not a very important topic, it is just that I am a big believer in concise writing.
This month I would like to talk about the importance of hobbies for an individual, something I have noticed which is very American, something I have not seen in the rest of the world, at least not to a large extent. Hobbies are a wonderful thing, not only do they help us relax and recharge, but how people choose their hobbies might be a major indicator of individualism.
The way hobbies were perceived in Turkey was different There were no hobby stores or local game shops. No places dedicated to skateboarding or riding a bike. All the people who were interested in these things would have to in private. The biggest reason I think is that the culture in Turkey was so rigid, anything outside of going out to drink and watch TV or maybe playing football was usually seen as something far out and pretentious. In the west, if you are not hurting anyone, you can have any hobby you like and the consensus to the strange ones is… “Whatever makes you happy.” This freedom is important for an individual’s growth; after all, having your options limited on an irrational basis is objectively sub-optimal. This freedom allows for people to form their sub-communities, and not only make friends outside of their already existing group but also lets them grow in the direction they wish to grow – if they wish.
One example that comes to mind is how Henry Kissinger and John F. Kennedy’s favorite game was a very niche game called “diplomacy”, which has a sizable following – even to this day.
In conclusion, we should realize how in this culture, day and age, we are freer to pursue hobbies that support our self-growth and self-development with little resistance. We have the freedom to select and participate in these hobbies with these privileges in mind. We pursue them with full confidence, as individuals, to grow and not succumb to peer pressure. That is one of the important cornerstones and uniqueness of what makes someone a member of the Western Culture.
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