

Buffalo has been a flat beer for too long — no creativity, no imagination, with a mayor who wants to be a dictator, ruling this city for too long, refusing to accept defeat, now acting like a kid crying for his lollipop; and supported by Trump-related roots or links. Buffalo needs a new dress, a clean and new face to complement New York State’s first female Governor. 

The reasons why we should support and vote for India Walton are obvious and essential. She has young people supporting her candidacy, young Buffalonians ready to help with the growth and development of this city, displaying lots of ideas and energy. It is something we have not seen in a long time. 

If we want Buffalo to grow and develop, to keep our young people here in the city, we need to jump out of the destructive comfort zone that voters have experienced for the past 15 years.

The mayor is tired, with no energy, old ideas, has the same story, with no vision or mission that will keep our young people in Buffalo, a college town, where upon graduation, these young people leave the city after receiving their education after 4 plus years. They hit and run!

With Brown, you get the same flat beer, a continuation of a comfort zone that holds on to the past, full of greed, and a selected small group enjoying the fruits of the controlled comfort zone.  With India Walton, you get new ideas and a future that our young people will work and live with.   We have a great opportunity to make history by electing the first female mayor, complimenting New York St which just confirmed the first female governor.

The time is here for us to accept a new journey, an exciting challenge.  With India Walton, this city will grow, create real jobs for everyone, and make it possible for college students to stay here instead of leaving for career opportunities elsewhere. This is the time for Byron Brown to pass the torch to the endorsed Democratic nominee.

India Walton is the new Buffalo, the new challenge, our future, our children’s future. She is not perfect, (and neither was Brown), but India Walton represents an important and bright beginning. Please do not get manipulated by the mass of advertisements the Brown people are throwing at us.

In this new city, it will no longer be: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. That will come to an end.  In this new city, it will no longer be: “You have to pay to play.” That will come to an end. In this new city, everyone will have the same opportunities, regardless of color, class, or political affiliation.  It would be wise to give your support and vote to India Walton’s mayor on Tuesday, November 2nd. If not for you, do it for education and our young generation.

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