We congratulate the first (soon-to-be) Queen of Buffalo, India Walton, on defeating the long-time mayor, Byron Brown, who is now acting more like Trump in his refusal to accept the defeat like a gentleman. Instead, he declared his candidacy to run as a “write-in.”
Buffalo did the right thing in voting for India, and we hope Buffalo will do the right thing again in November.
While the Buffalo Latino Village did not endorse any candidates in the primary, we want to make it clear to our Puerto Rican/Latino community that INDIA WALTON is Buffalo’s candidate for Mayor. She is the candidate that we need to support and vote for, especially if we want to see real and substantial positive changes, not only for our Latino community but for the city of Buffalo as a whole.
We have young people in place, people who were right there with India Walton from the beginning, Latinos who led and reached out to our community to support India Walton – and did a great job!
LATINO COMMITTEE: Christian Parra, Luz Velez, and Geo Hernandez, are the leading Latinos on India’s team from the beginning, and they will be there with her to the November election. We must work to get India Walton to the finish line in November. Let us make sure that India Walton makes it to the finish line.
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