

The apple does not fall far from the tree, just as  Feudalism had kings, nobles, vassals, and lords, capitalism has corporations, elected officials, regulators, and land developers. Their common goal: Distribution and management of land and resources among low/middle income tenants (peasants and indentured servants). But do not feel helplessly sad and afraid! Get relentlessly willing and able! Call transient residents’ “cockroaches” that come to enjoy a season of the night life and go, each time leaving apartments subject to further rent hikes. Call land developers’ lethal “termites” that come, see opportunity, plot long-term visions, and without the early intervention of qualified exterminators, proceed to execute a methodic plan to settle and expand with permanently devastating consequences on community demographics and existing infrastructure. But a bug is a bug! Flip the switch and watch the light of truth send the night feasting players scrambling for cover.

Warning!  “Less all be willing to admit self has become no more than expendable staple to exploit for personal hedonistic gain; life sustaining essentials (as land water and air) cannot be allowed to be a commodity in the for-profit economic market of capitalism”. Since the First Housing Act of 1934, combating unjust declines in urban low-income housing, foreclosures, and homelessness has been ongoing. Pressured by the NAACP and other community organizations at the time, the 1965 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) initiative was enhanced by the 1968 Fair Housing Act effort to manage not eliminate the ongoing national housing crisis. Even subcontracting local non-profit housing organizations like ACORN (1987) has fallen short of the mark. Point! Without sound relocation plans urban development is not urban restoration but a process of disinvestment, displacement, and replacement of whole communities gentrified to near genocide like the Native American: The road to hell is layered with good intentions and outward appearances. Is “Give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free – the wretched refuse of your teeming shores – send these – the homeless tempest – tossed to me – I lift my lamp besides the golden door” a national creed or curse? With entering Condos and Co-ops ousting low-income units, housing is a bombshell no one wants to consistently address on the stage of daily crisis. Many initially well intended programs have secured realty profiteering opportunities while eliminating or penalizing much resident fight back strategies. Squatter rights and homesteading programs converting vacant lots into gardens and abandoned buildings into restored apartments were reduced to auctions favoring realtors with deep pockets. Repair (landlord violations) and deduct (expenses from rent) laws are near outlawed. Tenant advocates were marginalized by “lawyers only” in housing court.  But as far back as 1839 organized mass anti-rent movements continue to periodically spring up to squash evictions and solicit rent reductions. Having already delivered realtors major defeats in 1907, 1930-40, 1960-1970, New York residents have set this May-June to deliver the termites yet another blow.

Newsflash! Today’s housing shortage for low/middle income families is both shameful and criminally negligent. The housing deficit is 2.5 million. Allocating near 50% family income toward rent make 2-bedroom apartments impossible. Section 8 and housing vouchers help landlords maintain rising rent. ( shows how much you need to afford a modest apartment in your state. So, seize the present moment to look and decide! Stand together or continue to perish on your own.

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