

It is now February 2021 and since we last touched base, we have been witnesses to a failed insurrection, a presidential impeachment and a presidential inauguration.

And that was just the first three Wednesdays in January!

The year 2021 is only a month old, and already things seem to be leaning towards the better. As I write this, our hometown Buffalo BILLS were eliminated from Super Bowl contention, falling to the Kansas City Chiefs in the AFC Championship game.

Although as a BILLS fan it was very disappointing to see our team lose, it was still a hell of a season that many Buffalonians and Westsides will remember. Honestly, I cannot complain, not many of us expected the team to go as far as it did, and all the pieces are there for a good run in the coming years. The BILLS will be back, and good days are ahead.

With the turn of the monthly calendar, we are also seeing some positives with the COVID-19 pandemic. This of course is due to the vaccines that have been rolled out but also, with the new Biden administration creating an actual plan for mandating facial coverings in public places. We certainly are still in the thick of this pandemic, however, knowing that we have an administration in the White House that cares about getting a handle on the pandemic, unlike the demagogue rabble rouser that lied to his cultish followers.

As we all know, February is the shortest month of the year and before we know it, Pitchers and Catchers will be reporting. March will be here very soon, and just like that, Spring is around the corner.

Flowers will bloom, birds will chirp, the sun will shine again, and  the summer sounds and smells of the West Side will be in full force.

You may ask, why am I so positive, since we still are in a pandemic that has taken the lives of 400,000 Americans at the time of this writing. You see, we have made it out of 2020. More importantly, we have survived the Trump Years.

The Biden administration already has begun to undo many of the harmful executive orders Trump signed early on in his administration. There is talk of additional stimulus packages to help those effected by the economic slowdowns. I for one am hoping there is student loan relief in the works as well.

Our country is healing; however, it will take time, especially when you consider 74 million Americans voted for an open white supremacist.

Good days are ahead because, my friends, we reached the bottom on January 6th, during Insurrection Day. The day will live in infamy; however, we Americans will rise above it as Americans always have.  —— Until next time.

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