My intentions with this film are to cover different bullet points that address Puerto Rico’s past, from its beginnings as a US territory, to the island’s culture, and to the identity of those of us living here on the mainland.
This film would not be complete if I chose to ignore the “status” question so in part, I chose to focus a good amount of time of my project speaking with folks who had interesting ideas regarding the island current state and the possibilities for the island’s future.
I recently had a chance to sit down with Congressman Darren Soto (FL-09) and speak on his thoughts regarding Puerto Rico’s status. In March, Congressman Soto cosponsored a Puerto Rican Statehood bill. In November 2020, while most of the US was embroiled in the presidential election, Puerto Ricans living on the island were given the opportunity for a simple Yes/No vote in favor of Puerto Rican statehood. By introducing this bill, Congressman Soto, who represents the largely Puerto Rican Kissimmee, Florida area, wanted to uphold the Puerto Rican people’s vote.
Statehood was favored by 52.5% of the 2020 vote. Mind you, this was a simple Yes/No vote and not a true referendum offering the options of Statehood, Independence, or continued Commonwealth. The last referendum to do so was the “2017 Puerto Rican Status Referendum”(*) which saw Statehood win an overwhelming margin of 97.13% of the vote. Of course, the next steps are up to those on Capitol Hill.
While working on this project for the last ten months, I have found that support for the pro-Independence movement is greater by mainland Puerto Ricans compared to those living on the island.
I see this plastered all over social media pages and groups, people calling for an end to colonialism through independence.
I admit, the idea of it is very romantic, especially with “Hamilton” still fresh in our memories, fueling thoughts of independent thinking and living, however the numbers were just not there in the 2017 referendum. Don’t misunderstand me, I see nothing wrong with wanting independence for the island, however, calling for independence while benefiting from mainland living is a little bothersome to me. The island itself must make the moves for independence, and yet, as of this writing, the movement is far greater here than it is on the island.
My interview with Soto touched on a few more items surrounding Puerto Rican status that will be presented in the finished film. The subject of Puerto Rican status is one that can cause heated debate and although there really is no easy answer, I am happy to have included it in my film.
I am looking forward to focusing on the next few segments of my film, which will include art and culture, and that is something all Puerto Ricans can agree with and come together on.
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