We are sure that each month you visit your local retail store for your shopping needs you come across our three (3) Puerto Rican/Latino papers, Panorama Hispano, La Ultima Hora, and the newest kid on the block, the Buffalo Latino Village.
The work to get these publications to you is not easy, it’s a labor of love, of social sacrifice, especially when advertisers (public & private) are not knocking on their door to place an advertisement. You should know that advertisement pays for the life of the paper. If you only see a few ads, you should know the paper is investing its own money to bring you their publication every month. It’s a personal investment on their part. Besides the labor in putting the paper together, they take money out of their pocket. You should know that. Sometimes when you see an announcement, you might think it’s an ad, but it’s just an announcement, courtesy of our hard labor and kindness — published as a public service.
When you read this, if you are a businessperson, work as a manager for government, or the private sector, go out of your way, use your contacts, and see what you can do to help these publications get paid advertisement.”
We have many community leaders, community organizations, and community activists. We give our community a public platform. I can’t believe these publications have a hard time attracting advertisements.
Where is our COMMUNITY POWER? These Latino papers invest in you… Why not invest in them?
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