S.A.F.E. center was a place where young girls could come for psychological help without red tape following them. Requirements were that they sign a contract addressing their individual issues and take charge of a theme and salesmanship at scheduled fund-raising events. In less than 6 months we had over a dozen girls. We were preparing for a Christmas presentation and the young lady next to me was exhausted from all her work. She was to take the lead and we were all overly excited for her breakthrough. On the way to her home, she fell asleep.
Out of the corner of my left eye, I could see the black SUV charging towards us and I had to make a quick decision to speed up or slow down to minimize the hit that was inevitably coming. I decided to slow down. BANG!!! I spin around and around several times and even hit another car. Throughout the spins I had my cell phone clutched in my fist trying to reach David.
My head hit a few times. I no longer heard or saw what was going on, but I briefly recalled his hand reach for my phone. The young man spoke softly, and I thought he was an Angel. He stopped a passing motorist who happened to be a cop and between them both, carefully dragged us away from the car.
We were both unconscious leaning against the tree. Little did they know, they would be shielding us from a huge car explosion. Within minutes people were arriving and throughout it all, this young man never let go of my hand.
Months later when I was somewhat healed, I was determined to find him and invite him as an honored guest at our Christmas event. I found his given address on the police report. I found his uncle and shared how this young man had saved my life. They were surprised because he had been sad thinking I had died.
The celebration had started and had almost ended when a deafening silence took over the room. I slowly turned around and there in all his valor was the Angel who put his life on the line for us. The young man who still bears scars on his back that he rarely talked about.
Once we got pass the flowing tears, and warm embraces, we found out his family lived in Manhattan, less than five (5) blocks from my hometown and the mothers knew each other. That Christmas, his act of kindness gave me back my life.
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