My first passion is community activism and community building. I am interested in fostering a continued dialogue between law enforcement and the community they serve.
I am also very interested in writing and reporting on the development and work of New Americans.
The “Can Do Spirit” and Innovative Mind and Soul of Immigrants and the Pioneering Puerto Rican Community
In New York and throughout the United States has always been my inspiration.
I am a product of public education. I am a supporter of public service and public servants and believe that building coalitions for forge a community agenda is the foundation of community engagement.
I am honored to be a member of this wonderful community-based newspaper—bringing, shaping and inspiring others to become civically engaged.
I take this opportunity to ask each reader to take the opportunity to build your community.
It starts block by block. Take a moment, and reflect on an area of public service that you are interested and that you would like to participate in.
Find out how to serve in a community advisory, take up the opportunity to be heard and to be civically engaged.
Thank you for supporting the Latino Village.
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