
A Productivity Nightmare

Working from home is a dream come true, for some, but for others, a productivity nightmare. It is understandable considering we are creatures of habit and context. If we have subconsciously designated a space to work, we will feel uncomfortable playing, and, if we have designated a space to play, then we will have a hard time concentrating on the work.

One of my biggest criteria for any job I have ever done has been how close it is to home or can be done from home. As a result, I have ended up doing quite a bit of work from home and have noticed the phenomenon being a huge factor in productivity. I would like to share my tips and tricks for maximizing productivity and show you that, just like I was in the 2 months I was working 100% from home, you can be more productive at home than at the office.

Clear your workspace: When you are working from home it is quite common to get distracted and sometimes, we need distractions to maximize our performance. However, those distractions must be on your terms and not that of the distractions. What this means is, to clear your workspace of any books, unrelated notes, etc. This includes your computer desktop. Do not keep your Facebook or YouTube open on the same window as you do your work, which brings us to the 2nd tip.

Use an extra monitor: The best way to prevent distractions is for them not to be in your face. You should have an extra monitor only for work activities, preferably at an angle where you cannot see your entertainment monitor. The benefits of this may not seem major now but it is fascinating how much simple compartmentalization can do for you.

Write Reports: Have you ever wondered why reports have been instrumental in any workplace for thousands of years? They are great for letting others know what you did but they also keep you accountable. Accountability reduces the willpower load on you and helps you develop habits. More importantly, you can always go to yesterday’s report to make sure you completed your routine tasks.

To-Do Lists: Simplest and perhaps most effective productivity tool, make a list of the things you wish to accomplish during the day but here is the twist: ALWAYS KEEP IT IN YOUR FIELD OF VIEW. Even if you are not focusing on it, it should be in your line of sight. This way when your eyes inevitably start wandering off, you will encounter your notes and will remember what you need to get done now.

These are the time-tested major tips I have heard from the experts and applied to myself. I have achieved a quantifiable increase in productivity in all types of work that I have done and would thoroughly recommend it to everyone. Remember, willpower is a limited resource, so use it well.

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