Publisher, Poet, Author, Journalist, Community Activist, founder & publisher of the Buffalo Latino Village; founder of the ” Educational Pledge: Questions to Self-Development”, based on the well-known and widely used poem, The Educational Pledge.
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CHRISTIAN PARRA. As always, you find this young man out there in the street, in the community working to make
Honest and loyal representation in our community is going to cost money, to sustain, maintain, and grow our communities. One
First, it was the San Juan District, then came the cultural art mural, after that came the Isaias Soto Gonzalez
Besides being labeled or forced to be called “Hispanics”, we are truly Puerto Ricans, Puertorriqueños, Tainos, and boricua. We were
Dear Emerging Poets and Writers: I’m writing this piece of information directed at poets/writers who are ready or interested in
Honest and loyal representation in our community is going to cost money, to sustain, maintain, and grow our communities. One
I’m a jack of all trades, but master of none, but one thing I know. I’m Puerto Rican, not Hispanic.
Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Issues/Concerns…. Are they the same in both communities? We are both abused and manipulated by the