Publisher, Poet, Author, Journalist, Community Activist, founder & publisher of the Buffalo Latino Village; founder of the ” Educational Pledge: Questions to Self-Development”, based on the well-known and widely used poem, The Educational Pledge.
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We are sure that each month you visit your local retail store for your shopping needs you come across our
El 3de noviembre vamos a las urnas para votar en las elecciones presidenciales. En estas elecciones, hay un buen y
On November 3rd we go to the polls to vote in the presidential elections. In this election, there is a
Tino Mejia is presently writing an introduction to the book, “GALLARDO”, to be published by the Buffalo Latino Village by
Tino Mejía está escribiendo actualmente una introducción al libro, “GALLARDO”, que será publicado por el Buffalo Latino Village a final
The two terms, Hispanic and Negro, were not terms that both our communities selected. They were assigned to us by
Quintana is no stranger to controversy and no stranger to life’s ups and downs, an experience close to our own
This past month, a golden opportunity opened at Herman Badillo Public School 76 to hire a Puerto Rican as the
The endorsed candidate, Jon Rivera, has no direct ties with our Puerto Rican/Latino community. He lives far from our community