Publisher, Poet, Author, Journalist, Community Activist, founder & publisher of the Buffalo Latino Village; founder of the ” Educational Pledge: Questions to Self-Development”, based on the well-known and widely used poem, The Educational Pledge.
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This year in 2022, let’s open our eyes and be more alert and observant of the way our community functions
Dear Buffalo Latino Community: Time to upgrade the imagination and creativity of the people leading our Puerto Rican/Latino community and
I was researching Joe Biden’s Infrastructure Bill and suddenly realized the number of non-profits involved would be getting a piece
A long political stretch, but it’s time to begin again, regroup, observe, and review the political experience. From this past
Buffalo has been a flat beer for too long — no creativity, no imagination, with a mayor who wants to
Today, Tino and I got together with Jaime Cueva, a longtime friend, and colleague. We were UB students during the
We congratulate the first (soon-to-be) Queen of Buffalo, India Walton, on defeating the long-time mayor, Byron Brown, who is now
We should not honor Spaniards by calling ourselves “Hispanics.” Our ancestors were enslaved, tortured, raped, and killed by the Spaniards;
Election time is here again, with the primary elections on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, and the general elections on November